
Requirement: When a case is created a e-mail will be send to the customer and as per the subject of the case an approval is request to the Approver and task is assigned .

Process Flow :

The flow will run as the record will be created, a mail will be sent to the customer to notify that we are working on the issue and will get back to the customer and parallelly another branch will be executed that we internally send this particular case for the approval process and parallelly we assigned task.

Flow Creation Steps:

Step 1: Create Work flow and scheduled at case creation

  • Go to website:
  • Login with your account and get started.
  • First click the My Flows(highlighted) and click New and select “Automated -from blank”
  • After clicking this you will have to schedule when you work flow will be executed, as we have to execute the process as the case is created, so we will select “When a record is created”
  • First specify you flow Name
  • After this trigger you work flow at “when a record is created”.
  • After this you need to select you environment in which you want to run you flow.
  • Then you need to select Entity name on which record creation you need your flow to be executed.
  • After that you need to choose flow of scope i.e. at what level you want your flow to be executed. There are to three types of scopes specified in Flow Microsoft.

Steps 2: Add a parallel branch

  • Add a parallel branch, at one end send email to the customer and on the other end send approval and task.

Steps 3: Send Email to the customer

  • For sending email to the customer first we need to find the customer so for that we are creating a list record, in this there will be linked contact
  • As we have selected our environment and specified the customer entity. The entity case contains the GUID of the customer entity. So for this we have specified this in the filter query. “eq” denotes the equal, so the above means contactid  equal to the customer.
  • So using this we will get a list which contains the related customer.
  • Select a email template as shown below.
  • In “To” specify the customer email and in subject select the subject and in email body you can write what you want to send it your customer.

Steps 4: Send Approval email to the approval

  • As in this scenario we are specifying approver on the basis of subject so we need to select the related subject for this case
  • So for this we have created a list record to find the subject
  • As in the below screen shot we have selected subject.
  • Select an approval template
  • As per your scenario you can select Approval type and choose Title.
  • In Assigned to you can specify email id of the approver and details you can specify the details you want to send to the approval.
  • If you want to perform any action after the user approve or disapprove the case, you can add condition as shown in the below image.

Steps 5: Create Task and assigned tasks

  • For this we will create a record in task then we will assigned task and send email.
  • Below is the image for creation of record in task entity
  • Next we will send an email to whom the task assigned

The above is the whole process of case and approval and working. If you have and doubts or queries you can contact us.

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